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Pearland, TX 77584



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Last Updated:
2/16/2025 2:31 PM

Memorials 2013
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
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Looking for a way to celebrate a birthday or special occasion, honor or memorialize a loved one, and also help Dachshunds in need? Honor a special person or beloved pet, or celebrate a special occasion by making a tax deductible donation to support our mission.

  • Birthdays (Animal and/or Human)
  • Holiday & Anniversary Gifts
  • Memorials for Humans
  • Memorials for Animals
  • Special Occasions

Please include a note with your donation with the wording you wish to include in your dedication. If you would like, please email your favorite photo to  It would be our pleasure to display it.

Make your tax deductible donation below:

PayPal US Mail
All Texas Dachshund Rescue
Attn: Treasurer
P.O. Box 841336

Pearland, Texas 77584

 Mushka Memorial 2013

This is our precious Mushka, (Little Butterfly).  She died unexpectedly on December 15, 2012 from Addison's.   The vets at Veterinary Emergency Referral Group, Inc. on the Katy Freeway did everything possible to try and save her, but to no avail.

Mushka touched our lives like no other Dachshund we have nurtured.  She was certainly special and dearly loved her owners Larry & Paul..  Oliver, her male counterpart and Mushka were inseparable, they played together, slept together, ate together and got into mischief together.

Mushka had an uncanny ability to "yodel".  When we would come in from an errand or work , she would be at door, tail wagging and yodeling all about her day's activities.  We literally could understand everything she said!
We truly miss our Little Butterfly!

Paul Miles
Larry Bauer

 Candle 2012 In Memory of Stan Miller.
Jane Whitaker
Candle 2012   

In Memory of Iris Elkins and in Honor of Hazel, one of ATDR’s rescues

With Love, AnnaMary & Allen Ellerbee

 Candle 2012 This donation is in memory of my dear friend Patricia Piper ~ Sheryl Lucian 
Candle 2012 Our very dear friend Lisa Harris loves your rescue.  We hope this donation will help your mission in memory of her dear little dachshund she just lost, Sweet P Wee.  ~Teresa & Paul Pense
Brownie Memorial 2013


I miss him more than words can express. I don't know that a dog has ever loved me quite as much as my Brownie. I was so blessed to have  the chance to be his mommy. As Edrick said, " Your relationship with Brownie can only be explained in one manner, Mutual adoration! Mommy adored him and he adored his mama!"  Brownie had the most ADORABLE face I have ever seen on a doxie.

Maria and Edrick Smith

Sophie Memorial 2013

Miss Sophie Sanicola

The Love I Left Behind!

Before humans die, they write their last Will & Testament, give their home & all they have,
to those they leave behind.  If, with my paws, I could do the same, this is what I’d ask...
To a poor and lonely stray I’d give:
-- My happy home.
-- My bowl & cozy bed, soft pillows and all my toys.
-- The lap I loved so much.
-- The hand that stroked my fur & the sweet voice which spoke my name.

I’d will it to the sad, scared shelter dog, the place I had in my human’s loving heart, of which there seemed no bounds.

So, when I die please do not say, “I will never have a pet again, for the loss and pain is more than I can stand.”

Instead, go find an unloved dog, one whose life has held no joy or hope and give MY place to HIM.

This is the only thing I can give....
The love I left behind.

-- Author Unknown

Candle 2012

Sophie Sanicola

With Love

Candle 2012

This is in honor of my "Niece", MIss Sophie Sanicola, a sweet lil' doxie girl!
-Gayle West

Klaus and Bella Memorials 2013


In honor of the Van Zanen/Henry Wedding Guests

 ~ Thomas Van Zanen, Shelby Henry, Klause and Bella

Candle 2012

In honor of Heidi Girl, who was raised with love for many years until her owner got very sick with cancer and a stroke followed by further health issues. She needs much TLC.
Thank you ATDR for making the rest of her life comfortable, enjoy

Candle 2012

In honor of my little girl, Shmata. My shadow and velcro dog. You are always in my heart.
Monica Braverman

 mom and dad

Our Mom has gone to join our Dad

In a place and time we can’t know

Our hearts feel sad, but full of joy

Because they loved us so

Anne Braunschweig Henderson  born 11/25/1918  died 7/8/13

 MEM Sweetie

July 22, 2013, we had to say good bye to our sweet Sweetie.   We brought her home to foster from the Buda Races in April 2009 and fell in love with her, so we decided to adopt her.   She has always been such a sweetheart and an easy dog.  She had been diagnosed with lung cancer back in April, almost four years to the day that we got her.  She had been having a very difficult time breathing the last week or so and we knew it was time to end her suffering.  We will miss you, Sweetie.  You always lived up to your name.


Bill and Theresa Brugh

Candle 2012

In Memorial of Patsy Hoffman

Henrietta Dancing Dog

In Honor of Henrietta the dancing dog and her human companion Emily Pyle……
from Charles & Lynn Freeman

Youtube Video


 Hershey HT 2013

Hershey - September 2013

Hershey was the sweetest little man and the loudest barker ever! His bark muffled by 75 lb. Chocolate Lab’s bark  --- Hershey brought so much joy and many smiles to our household and will be greatly missed!! He developed Cushing’s Disease in November of 2012 and the treatment took its toll on his little body. We feel blessed to have had him for the time we did and thank ATDR for giving him the chance to be loved by us.

Keith R. and Lisa D. Tremethick

 Pat Hoffman Mem 2013

Pat Hoffman - September 2013

In Memory of Pat Hoffman – Love Bert, MaryJo and Brad Maddux


In Memory of Pat Hoffman, our thoughts and prayers are with you at this time - Love Jim & Lisa Clark and Jake Buford


In Memory of Pat Hoffman – Love Jim & Sheila Frazier


In Memory of Pat Hoffman – From Rick Leonard and the Greater Waco USBC Association


In Memory of Pat Hoffman – From Emory & Scottie Isham

Christine MEM 2013

"In loving memory of Kristine Stubbins Nall who loved her dachshunds with all of her heart. She was a great mother to her fur babies while she was here. Her dogs will miss her just as much as the rest of us. May this donation go to help other dachshunds find homes as loving as hers."


Heather Calkins

Candle 2012  In Memory of Patsy Hoffman, with love from Dr. Ronald and Melvia Nomeland
Dublin Family MEM 2013 In honor of The Durbin Family
Charlotte Honor This donation is being made as a gift in honor of your volunteer, Charlotte Haskins. Please use it for any dog that needs the assistance.

Candle 2012 In memorial of Barbie Minami, the Mother of our tresured friend Shannon Roskosky. With love from all of your friends at Accenture Shannon.